Open 21 days ago
Supply Chain Notice: WC1043346 / IMS No: 1348884 - DHE- CIDP Tool: 102896 - Pyla tanks to SBA prison - Replace pumping mains and systems
WC1043346 / IMS No: 1348884 - DHE- CIDP Tool: 102896 - Pyla tanks to SBA prison - Replace pumping mains and systems * Please provide a detailed description of the notice you are adding: The project involves the replacement of approximately 1100m of main water supply pipeline (110mm diam. Ductile iron) from Pyla tanks to SBA Prison. The pipeline is to be installed along the same route as the existing pipeline, something that will require the supply of potable water with a bowser to prison area throughout the pipeline construction period. The work will also include the installation of booster unit at Pyla tanks, including modifications of the existing pump room to connect the new pipeline. At the SBA prison area, the work will include the supply of an emergency water storage tank and refurbishment of an existing plantroom, including the replacement of cold water storage tank, hot water cylinder, boiler, pumps and pipelines for domestic hot and cold water supply to the prison. Temporary arrangements should be made to maintain water services within the prison area during construction. The project will also include all electrical modifications necessary for the above and the supply of a new stand-by generator and ATS panel at Pyla tanks area The Provisional Key Tender dates for the project are as follows: - Expression of interest: 29/1/2025 - Expression of interest return: 21/2/2025 - Invitation to Tender: 28/2/2025 - Tender Return Date: 16/4/2025 - Contract award: 28/7/2025 - Commencement of work: 8/9/2025 - Completion of work: 27/3/2026 The currency of this project is Euro (€). The location of this project is Cyprus (British Forces, Dhekelia station).
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45232151 - Water-main refurbishment construction work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors