Supply of Bulk, Cylinder and Special Gases to United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority.
The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority is a non-departmental government body carrying out research into the potential of nuclear fusion as a future source of energy.The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority manages the UK and European Fusion Programme through it's research arm Culham Science Centre for Fusion Energy in Oxfordshire with the aim of magnetically confining and studying the behaviour of plasma in conditions and dimensions approaching those required in a fusion reactor.As part of a continuing research programme there is a requirement for the supply of a range of Gases. The JET cryoplant supplies Helium and Nitrogen in liquid and gaseous form, which is used to create an ultra high vacuum within the JET machine. Liquid Nitrogen is primarily used for vacuum generation and the thermal shielding of liquid Helium transfer lines throughout the JET facility. MAST uses additional heating known as NBI (Neutral Beam Injection). NBI mainly uses Hydrogen and Deuterium gas, whilst Pellet Injection uses Liquid Helium. Cylinder gases are issued by the stores section to users on site to support JET and MAST. There is also a requirement for a range of special gas grades, type mixes and cylinder sizes.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
24111800 - Liquid nitrogen
24100000 - Gases
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors