Supply of Electrochemical Hydrogen Separation & Compression Unit
The University of South Wales requires an Electrochemical Hydrogen Separation and Compression (ESC) unit at the University of South Wales Hydrogen R&D Centre at Baglan, Port Talbot, UK. The unit will be used to purity-polish and compress a pre-treated hydrogen waste stream. The aim is to demonstrate both of these features (separation and compression) at the same time. The membrane will be exposed to synthetic hydrogen mixtures (>95% H2 by vol.), contaminated with only oxygen and nitrogen. This mixture is synthesized, so no contaminants such as CO, NH3 or S will be present. The feed gas will be dry, so humidification is likely to be a requirement of the equipment supplied.This system is required in order to achieve part of the technical aims of Work Package 5 of the WEFO-funded Reduced Industrial Carbon Emissions (RICE) project, specifically the recovery of by-product hydrogen from industrial waste streams. ESC is one of the selected hydrogen purification technologies to be demonstrated in this project.Once installed, this equipment will enable a range of experimentation and testing activities to take place to fulfill the RICE project aims, as well as providing a basis for further R&D collaborative activity, leading to industrial deployment of the technology being developed.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
42990000 - Miscellaneous special-purpose machinery
42900000 - Miscellaneous general and special-purpose machinery
42000000 - Industrial machinery
42993000 - Chemical industry machinery
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors