Supply of In-Service Type Approved Armoured Fighting Vehicle (AFV) Track.
Armoured Military Vehicles. AFV type approved. Track and Associated Spares. A 5 to 7 years enabling arrangement for the supply of a range of current in-service armoured vehicle track and associated spares for the following family of vehicles: Challenger 2, ETS Titan and Trojan, Warrior, Bulldog, and CVR (T). All track and associated spares are classed as safety critical components. Therefore, suppliers will need to clearly demonstrate that all items supplied to the UK MoD are fully typed approved and have been certified through the design authority BAES GCS for the above platforms and compliant to individual fighting vehicle (FV) drawing specifications. Any costs associated with the type approval of items shall be borne fully by the supplier.QA standards or equivalent: The supplier/manufacturer shall as a minimum hold and maintain a certification to BS EN ISO 9001:2000/2008 issued by an accredited body.Supplier selection may be by pre-qualification questionnaire. The Authority reserves the right to seek clarification to PQQ responses. Additional pass/fail criteria provided within the PQQ will be economic and financial standing and quality accreditation.
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CPV Codes
35410000 - Armoured military vehicles
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors