Supply of Street Food offer to Schools.
Supplementing the choice available within high schools, North Tyneside Council's Catering Services currently informally engage a number of providers to supply a theatre style option within schools offering speciality foods (Pasta, (including pasta-based noodles) and/or Tortilla Chicken Wraps) primarily targeted at adolescent school children/students. The foods are intended to be above all healthy, but, given the consumer profile, the service offered must be quick, convenient for both customers and Catering Services, provide variety and choice and be supported and promoted by the Service Provider in such a way as to engage with customers to maximum effect. The current theatre provision features both trolley and desk top bain-marie type dispensers depending upon available space.The successful contractor is to ensure the provision and concept is delivered to a high standard. In essence the Council must be satisfied with the service provision in terms of product range but seeks greater options with regard to price, wider choice of products and overall value for money.
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1 Possible Competitors