Supply Of Vehicle Accident Repair Services to Hampshire Constabulary, Surrey Police, Sussex Police & named Contracting Authorities
Hampshire Constabulary and the Collaborative Participant(s) require bids from suitably qualified organisations to provide vehicle repair services on a non exclusive basis. Repair services are required to cover all vehicles owned, leased or in the property of the Authority or Collaborative Participant and in some jurisdictions to cover work for third party vehicles. It is envisaged that Contractor’s will be selected for work based on their area of specialism and ability to carry out the specified service(s) to the identified geographical locations. These services are to include but not be limited to inspection, adjustment, restoration, replacement of assemblies and components and general repair work, which could take place in a workshop or as a mobile service (limited services). The Framework will commence on 23rd August 2015 and will be for a period of four years. Interested parties should register their interest in the project via the In-Tend website, and complete and submit the tender return document(s) together with any supporting information requested by 14.00hrs on Friday 5th June 2015. How to obtain the Tender Documents The Tender Documents can be accessed when logged into In-Tend by selecting ‘View Details’ on the relevant tender advert and clicking the ‘Express Interest’ tab. Once in the tender there are five tabs – ‘Tender’, ITT - Documents', ‘Correspondence’, ‘Clarifications’ & ‘History’. Select the 2nd tab (ITT - Documents) where you will find useful information under ‘Tender Details’ continue to scroll down to the heading ‘Tender Documents Received’ where you will be able to view / download the documents. Further Guidance In addition, guidance on how to participate in a tender – download & upload documents / returns and if required, register your company (free of charge), can be found on the In-tend site under the ‘Help’ or ‘Information for Suppliers’ buttons. Receiving Notification Emails To ensure you receive email alerts and notifications from our system, please add the email domain `` to your Safe Senders list.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
50112110 - Body-repair services for vehicles
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors