Supply of Vet Equipment to Aberystwyth University
Aberystwyth University is in the process of establishing state of the art veterinary research laboratories that will contribute to the fight against bovine tuberculosis (BTB). These laboratories will assist Welsh Government in their aim to eradicate BTB; BTB is the most pressing animal health issue for Wales today. By providing infrastructure and the expertise, these laboratories will contribute to the strategic preparedness of Wales to fight future disease incursion. These laboratories form part of the investment in capacity on BTB research and follow on from the establishment of the Centre of Excellence for BTB Research in Wales, Vet-Hub 1, the Wales Veterinary Centre, KESS Scholarships and the School of Veterinary Sciences at Aberystwyth University. Capitalization on these investments requires equipping sate of the art laboratories that will enable the study of the bovine immune response to mycobacteria; these studies will provide the basis from which novel tools for the tackling of BTB will emerge. The studies to be undertaken in these laboratories will aim to gain a greater understanding of the bovine immune response to mycobacteria at the molecular, cellular, tissue and farm levels. Accordingly, the equipment required for these laboratories will fulfil the characteristics briefly described in each tender lot and it is divided into small scale equipment and large scale equipment.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors