Supply Statistical advice and analysis to AHDB's Recommended List
The information provided by the RLs enables levy payers to select varieties that are optimal for their cropping system and meet the requirements of their local market. Data for the Recommended List is generated from more than 450 trials and tests conducted annually. AHDB is seeking to procure statistical advice and support to facilitate the selection of crop varieties into Cereals and Oilseeds Recommended Lists, to ensure the design of the trials and tests and the analysis of the results is statistically sound. The supplier must also supply statistical advice relating the AHDB Cereals and Oilseeds fungicide performance project. This project uses near identical design and analysis to the Recommended Lists but is on a far smaller scale than the Recommended Lists. We are looking for one provider only. Subcontracting and consortia bids will not be accepted. The services shall comprise advice on design of variety trials, analysis of data (within trial and over-years) and horizon scanning to ensure that the statistical methodologies employed remain 'state of the art'. This is not a contract for data management and the supplier will not conduct the analysis, except where investigative work is conducted to develop new techniques for use with the RL data. Routine analyses are conducted by AHDB using GenStat, linked to an SQL database hosted and supported by AHDB, with input and output via Microsoft Excel. It is therefore vital that the supplier has a thorough understanding of GenStat and can provide new updated GenStat code as required to work with the database for routine analyses.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79330000 - Statistical services
77100000 - Agricultural services
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors