Support of M-Turbo Ultrasound Equipment
Leidos Supply Ltd intends to award a framework agreement to FUJIFILM SonoSite Ltd to continue the support for M-Turbo Ultrasound equipment. This includes the provision of consumables, spare parts, ancillaries, technical training, maintenance and repair., This agreement will last for up to 3 years with an estimated value of up to £400,000, It is considered that this contract can be placed using the negotiated procedure without prior publication of a contract notice pursuant to Article 32 (b)(ii) of Directive 2014/24/EC of the European parliament and of the council (regulation 32(2) (ii) of PCR 2015). This is because the manufacturer has confirmed that only FUJIFILM SonoSite Inc, through their FUJIFILM SonoSite Ltd business in the UK, have the technical detail, internal component, electrical interface and calibration know-how to provide support services, maintenance, etc., If a company was selected that is not manufacturer approved then this could alter the performance characteristics of the devices, as well as incurring significant repair costs to damaged main board.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors