Support Services for Welsh Medium Early Years Providers & Welsh Medium Childcare and Early Education
The notice at this stage is to gather market intelligence for the requirement detailed below. There is no guarantee that any competitive exercise will follow this request.The purpose is described as providing support services for Welsh Medium Early Years Providers in Flintshire and the direct provision of Welsh Medium childcare and early education services.The service must demonstrate that local Flintshire Welsh Medium Early Years Providers are supported :--To thrive as independent and sustainable providers of childcare and early education within Flintshire to assist the local authority in meeting its obligations under the Childcare Sufficiency and Early Education regulations.-To expand their capacity and provision of places to assist the local authority in meeting its targets agreed with Welsh Government as part of the Welsh in Education Strategy, to increase the number of pupils accessing Welsh medium education.-To develop the Welsh language skills of the staff in Welsh medium settings to ensure they are confident and proficient in the transmission of the Welsh language to the children when the vast majority of them do not come from Welsh speaking homes-To ensure that all staff in Welsh medium settings in Flintshire are fully proficient in the immersion methodology framework-To provide the highest quality learning experiences to ensure that opportunities for Welsh language acquisition are maximised and that all children develop as confident, bilingual learners-To meet the requirements of children in Welsh medium settings with additional learning needs under the SEN Code of Practice for Wales by delivering a referral scheme which gives providers access to expert advice and funding to support children to maintain their childcare or educational place in order to thrive-To meet regulatory requirements by delivering training and follow up support on statutory processes eg recruitment, safeguarding, performance management, financial management, health and safety, national care standards, equality and provision for children with additional needs-To achieve the Quality Assurance Scheme ‘Cylch Rhagorol’.The Service must also demonstrate that Flintshire Early Years Providers have:--Opportunities to develop effective partnerships with other organisations in order to provide information about the benefits of Welsh medium education and create pathways for children to access early years and educational services through the medium of Welsh eg Twf, Flintshire Welsh Medium schools, Menter Iaith Sir y FlintThe Service must also demonstrate that it can:--Develop pre-cylchoedd provision in Flintshire to encourage parents to actively choose Welsh medium as their preferred route for enjoying social and play opportunities for their children, for meeting other parents considering Welsh medium education and for developing basic Welsh language skills with parents for whom Welsh is not their first language-Create and sustain Welsh medium Cylchoedd in areas where there is insufficient local provision and where parental surveys undertaken by the local authority indicate there is a demand-Work effectively with the local authority in delivering on its targets for increasing the numbers of pupils in Welsh medium education as published in its Welsh in Education Strategic Plan through the provision of Welsh medium childcare and education services-Work effectively with Welsh Government on national campaigns to promote the Welsh language and Welsh medium education
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85311300 - Welfare services for children and young people
85312110 - Child daycare services
85300000 - Social work and related services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors