Support the National Bank in advancing financial literacy and financial inclusion in Moldova MD2001
The main goal of the MD2001 project is to improve the knowledgeable use of financial services and products in the banking and non-banking sectors, while protecting consumer rights in Moldova through targeted financial education and financial inclusion information campaigns conducted by the National Bank of Moldova (NBM). As well as project is to help the NBM build the institutional capacity for financial education and financial inclusion communication campaigns through social media platforms now and in the post-COVID-19 era. The project will develop a financial education programme for target populations in Moldova to foster a positive culture of long-term financial planning, improve their savings and investment attitudes, prudent financial behaviours and financial resilience in the pursuit of long-term rewards. It will also help strengthen the personal financial management components in school curricula. Specific target populations will be identified at the inception stage of the project (first month). The main beneficiary is the general public of Moldova who will ultimately benefit from the project. The key stakeholder (reform owner) of the project will be the NBM, as defined in the TOR. Another direct partner of the project will be the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of Moldova (MoECR) whose role will be less important due to the higher priority activities over the short term of the project and the expected results (for example, recommendations for updating school curricula will only be part of the final project document). The project will involve organizations, including UN Women, AFAM (Women's Business Association from Moldova), Association of Women's with Disabilities, AEFL (Association of Entrepreneurs with Disabilities from RM - "European Abilities without Limits"), Alliance of Small Enterprises from Moldova (AIM) and other NGOs/CSOs, that are fully in line with NBM's overall policy of expanding collaboration with civil society organizations for financial education in Moldova. The project will pay special attention to GESI-related activities to improve financial literacy and financial inclusion of women and vulnerable groups.
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1 Possible Competitors