Support to address Health Inequalities within Maternity and Neonatal services across Suffolk and North East Essex
The Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS) partners across Suffolk and North East Essex would like to work with voluntary sector colleagues to address the inequalities of outcomes experienced by some people within our geographical area. An equity analysis has been completed to understand where our health inequalities lie, what community assets are already in place, and what our priorities are for action. We see our voluntary sector partners as being best placed to work with communities and cohorts of people to achieve the same clinical outcomes for themselves and their baby, regardless of where they live, their age, ethnicity or any other characteristic. We require voluntary sector partners to work with the maternity and neonatal system to either: 1.Propose ways of working with communities at risk of health inequalities associated with pregnancy and childbirth, in order to coproduce support programmes to enable optimal outcomes to be achieved. 2.Use their knowledge and experience of working with certain communities to outline schemes/services that could address inequalities. Express an Interest and receive the documentation on the In-tend e-procurement portal. Requests for Quotations must be submitted through the In-tend portal.
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CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors