Support to develop a Strategic Plan for Tertiary Services 2018 – 2028
The UHB has a ten year strategy, Shaping our Future Wellbeing, that sets out the vision of care for the ten years to 2025. The strategy was developed through co-production with the public and key partners and outlines a vision that a person’s chance of leading a healthy life is the same wherever they live and whoever they are.Shaping Our Future Wellbeing in the Community is a programme of work to develop the major physical infrastructure required to support the delivery of health and wellbeing services closer to home, improving health outcomes and reducing health inequalities. This programme is at an advanced stage as a programme business case outlining how health and wellbeing centres and hubs will operate and link together is nearing completion.The UHB is also continuing to work with partners on the implementation of the agreed South Wales Programme, reconfiguring paediatric, obstetric and neonatal services in the region. Together with neighbouring health boards, the UHB is now progressing with the next wave of regional service change proposals for ear, nose and throat (‘ENT’), ophthalmology and orthopaedic services.In light of the significant regional collaborative work and guided by Shaping our Future Wellbeing, the UHB is now looking to develop a Clinical Services Strategy. As an initial component of this, the UHB is seeking to procure support to develop a Tertiary Services Strategic Plan.Tertiary ServicesThe UHB is a leading provider of tertiary services in South Wales, including:-•Cardiothoracics;•Critical Care;•Haemotology and clinical immunology;•Medical genetics;•Nephrology and transplant;•Neurosciences; and•Artificial limb and appliance service.These services have often developed on a piecemeal basis. The UHB is now looking to develop a Tertiary Services Strategic Plan outlining how these services should develop over the next decade. This Plan should factor in considerations around service fragility, financial sustainability and patient outcomes. It should also consider new approaches to delivering services where appropriate, including opportunities to work collaboratively with other providers (e.g. consolidation of services with fewer providers, networking provisions etc).Consideration will also need to be given to how we engage with key stakeholders, including WHSSC as the commissioners and other partner organisations.NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at
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73220000 - Development consultancy services
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1 Possible Competitors