Supported Employment Services for People with Learning Disabilities, Mental Health issues and Physical Disabilities
Dorset Council has ambitious plans to commission a service that supports people in a holistic and strengths-based way, creating a clear pathway to employment and meaningful work placements. Historically, people who use our services have remained NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training), and longer term this is likely to increase their reliance on funded social care services at a time when Local Authority resources are under increasing pressure. Directly providing employment opportunities for people we support is not a statutory duty of Dorset Council, however it is a statutory duty, where needs are eligible under the Care Act, to enable employment and training to be provided. This service is commissioned primarily for people we support living with learning disabilities and mental health needs and physical disabilities, however other people with an eligible need may access the service. The authority recognises its duty under the Care Act to ensure employment and volunteering opportunities are available to people with disabilities and other vulnerable adults. The Supported Employment Service will ensure people access and maintain supported employment that is realistic and sustainable; supporting people to achieve economic wellbeing and social inclusion whilst maximising their potential as a person living in Dorset. The service will be sourcing and supporting a variety of work and work-related opportunities for people (16 years +) with Learning Disabilities, Physical Disabilities, Mental Health needs, Autism and others support needs, across Dorset.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors