Supported Living in Northampton - Expression of Interest
Northamptonshire Adult Social Services are seeking early expressions of interest from support providers of mental health and/ or acquired brain injury services who have experience of supporting people with significant support needs in their own tenancies. Specialist accommodation is in the planning stages and we wish to understand the level of interest from care providers to be involved in delivering services across 20 one-bed flats. The support will be delivered in two separate blocks. One block will focus on supporting people with significant support and care needs due to acquired brain injury who will be residing as an alternative to more formal registered care settings. Individuals are likely to require support with physical care needs which may include mobilisation and/or implementing behavioural management plans. It is anticipated that these tenants will have potential to increase their levels of independence through reablement-focused support but will remain living within these flats over the long-term. The second block will focus on supporting individuals who have mental health issues and who require rehabilitation and support outside of a hospital environment to reach optimum levels of wellbeing and independence. It is anticipated that these tenants will require support to move to a more independent setting as part of their package of support. In addition, for both provisions the provider(s) will have experience in supporting people with advice, information and support to maintain their tenancy, budgeting, benefit advice, advice, encouragement in accessing community facilities, working with local housing providers to facilitate move-on to more permanent arrangements, monitoring mental health and working with local Health and Social Care Staff to share any concerns as part of an agreed support plan. The accommodation consists of 20 individual flats in two separate blocks located in the Duston area of Northampton. The build is due to complete in Autumn 2019. Commissioners are looking for either 1 support provider who has experience in working with people with both mental health and acquired brain injury who can offer services that meet both types of support described or 2 providers who can offer support to a specific cohort and accommodation block. The Provider(s) will work closely with Northamptonshire Adult Social Services assessing potential referrals to ensure individual needs are met and voids are minimised. Commissioners are keen to hear from Providers who can offer flexible, bespoke packages of care utilising the most cost effective and creative use of resources including Assistive Technology. Expressions of Interest should include a description of experience, examples of support models and innovative approaches that could be considered, with indicative 2017/18 rates. The closing date for submission is July 28th 2017, submissions should be sent to: Sue Pepper,, 01604 651316
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors