Supported Living Services Multi Lot (Mental Health, Learning Disabilities, Dual Diagnosis and Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD)) (ASC 2021 006)
Brent Council have an exciting opportunity for providers of social care as they are due to commission six supported living services across a range of client groups including learning disabilities, Profound Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD), mental health and dual diagnosis divided into 4 lots. The total budget for whole contract period of 5 year will be up to GBP 10 million. The duration of the contracts will be for an initial period of 3 years, with an option to extend for 2 years on a 1 + 1 basis. The estimated commencement of the services will be 1 April 2021. A brief description of the lots are provided below. Lot 1. 2 x PMLD services John Wilson House, 167 Willesden Road and 124 Harrowdene Road. Each service has 5 units. Clients will have profound physical and learning disabilities and very complex needs. Both PMLD services will provide 24 hours waking support and care and will provide regulated activity so the successful provider must be CQC registered. NB The Council is looking for one provider to deliver PMLD both services Lot 2. Mental Health Service 18 St Gabriel’s Road, Brent The service has 8 units. Client have medium to high-level mental health support needs. The service will provide 24 hours waking support and care and will provide regulated activity, thus the successful provider must be CQC registered. Lot 3. Dual Diagnosis Service 155 Walm Lane, Brent The service has 6 units. Client will require support to address both their substance misuse and mental health issues. The service will not provide regulated activity but will provide 24 hours waking support. The Council are looking for an experience specialist dual diagnosis provider. Lot 4. 2 x Learning Disability Services 3 Salmon Street. The service has 6 units. Client will have a medium to high level of learning disabilities. The service will provide 24 hours waking support and care. The service will also provide regulated activity thus the provider must be CQC registered. 2-4 Cranhurst Road. The service will have between 5 and 7 units. Clients will have a medium to high level of learning disabilities. The service will provide 24 hours waking support and care. The service will also provide regulated activity thus the provider must be CQC registered. NB The Council is looking for one provider to deliver both the learning disability services. Brent Council are committed to delivering high quality care and support services to vulnerable people. The provider we are looking for must therefore be able to demonstrate that they have a track record of working with this client group and can evidence that they are able to achieve the best possible outcomes for service users.
Pretender :
Not Identified
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85300000 - Social work and related services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors