Supporting Disabled Older Workers - Research Partner
According to the 2021 census, one in five people aged 50-64 are Disabled. This group are significantly less likely to be in employment than those without a disability - around 48% of Disabled 50-64s are in employment, compared with around 80% of those without a disability. Older Disabled workers are at risk of getting left behind by all-age disability employment initiatives: just 18% of participants on the Work and Health programme in their 60s gets a job. Narrowing this gap will be crucial to enhancing the financial security and wellbeing of Disabled people as they age and addressing the UK's productivity challenge. We are seeking a research and co-design partner to work with us and our Experts by Experience Steering Group to help us change this. Specifically, we are looking for a partner to undertake qualitative research identifying areas of opportunity where changes to policy and/or practice would support more Disabled people in their 50s and 60s to access and remain in work. An often-overlooked fact is that many will have acquired their disability over the age of 50 - but a not insignificant proportion will have a longstanding disability that they are ageing with. The latter group is more likely to identify as 'Disabled' and have greater experience of navigating and accessing support - but are also more likely to enter their 50s in a worse economic position than others due to the disadvantages faced by Disabled people throughout their life. We want this project to investigate and reflect these differences. The insights garnered through this project will be particularly crucial at a moment when the Government and opposition parties are expressing more willingness to provide more employment support to workers with disabilities and long-term health conditions - and to making sure that the voice of people aged 50 plus are heard in the upcoming consultation on changes to the Work Capability Assessment.
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1 Possible Competitors