Supporting Parents to Build Resilience & Self-Help Strategies
Kent County Council is proposing a new Supporting Parents Model that will aim to build resilience and self-help strategies for those parents who are concerned their child may require some additional support, linked to Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC). The Model suggests a new dedicated team is developed that includes parents as co-facilitators, therefore sharing their lived-experience to support other parents in similar situations., The scope of the proposed new service aims to address the issues raised by parents regarding the need for more neurodevelopmental related early intervention, pre-diagnosis and self-help support for parents alongside the evidence-based Programmes, such as Cygnet, Early Bird, Triple P, etc. The expectation will be to work closely with partners across the county to ensure a wraparound offer is delivered in addition to services currently on offer. All delivered with Parent Co-Facilitators at the heart., There will be two key strands to the Offer, both strands delivered with the lived experience of Parent-Co-Facilitators:, a) Early Intervention/Pre-diagnosis:, To deliver a range of 1:1 and group sessions each week that focus on building resilience and self-help strategies for Parents who are concerned their child may require some additional support, linked to Autistic Spectrum Condition. covering the following:, o Self-help parent peer support groups focussing on encouraging Parents to build relationships with other local parents., o 1:1 Family Advice sessions and Workshops focussing on particular issues relating to the child/young person, using a ‘mixed toolbox’., o Signpost to other local multi-agency support, advice, supporting materials such as videos, books, etc, b) Post- Diagnosis:, o To deliver evidence-based Programmes across the County. Examples of evidence-based Programmes specific to Autism Awareness such as Cygnet, Early Bird/Early Bird Plus, Triple P, etc. Flexibility to offer a blend of face to face and virtual sessions., o Continue to support as above with Parent Support Groups, 1:1 Family Advice Sessions and Workshops where necessary using a ‘mixed toolbox’., o Signposting to other multi-agency support, advice, etc., Kent County Council is committed to ensuring fairness, openness, and transparency, and to following procurement regulations., The Prior Information Notice (PIN) is issued solely for the purpose of conducting pre-procurement market testing. Please see long description and attached documents to submit your appropriate response., A set of soft market engagement questions and an opportunity to comment on the proposals at an engagement event, which will be held on a one-to-one basis, will be available to those who express an interest via the Kent Business Portal., More detailed information can be found in the attached documents., EOI will be open from 15.00 on the 28th May 2021 to 15.00 on the 25th June 2021.
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85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors