Supporting Systems to develop clinical and care professional leadership
Requirement overview: The clinical and care professional leadership guidance (hereafter referred to as 'the guidance') was published by NHS England and Improvement in September 2021 and sets out an ambitious vision for system clinical and care professional leadership in ICSs. One of the core requirements of the guidance is that the Medical Director and Director of Nursing on each Integrated Care Board (ICB) must ensure that all clinical and care professional leaders are involved and invested in the vision, purpose and work of the Integrated Care System (ICS). In addition they must also explain their approach to assessing progress in relation to effective clinical and care professional leadership and undertaking regular staff engagement (at least annually) to gauge views of local clinical and care professional leaders and to understand how involved they feel in decision making at different layers of the system (referred in the guidance as a 'pulse check'). The system is also required to assure itself that their approach to clinical and care professional leadership is having the desired impact We are therefore asking suppliers to engage with systems and regions, internal NHSEI colleagues and potentially other external subject matter experts, to develop, design and produce two distinct products, which would then be offered to the systems to support their self assessment of the culture of their system and whether the individual clinical and care professionals in the different layers of that system feel involved in the vision, purpose and decision making of the system. The resources could be used by the systems toward their annual 'pulse check' but it is also hoped that systems will use them to provide a baseline position for their current culture, enabling them to redeploy the resources again later to measure impact of their actions so far and inform future planning around system leadership behaviours and infrastructure factors that will further mature and progress the desired culture. These resources and others are intended to support system leaders and their partners to develop the skills and behaviours required for a one workforce approach, by having clinical and care professional leaders working together in a compassionate and inclusive culture of psychological safety and professionally agnostic distributed system leadership as outlined in the guidance. Opportunity is available on Atamis -
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79310000 - Market research services
79311300 - Survey analysis services
75122000 - Administrative healthcare services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors