Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust - FoCUS Administration Services
This contract will be for the provision of administration, organisation, and support to FoCUS for Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust as detailed below and is intended to be a partnership between Surrey and Borders Partnership and the service provider., The Provider must be able to demonstrate that they are established and integrated into the Surrey and north east Hampshire mental health and learning disability systems, have a credible track record in working across the systems and the maintenance of existing relationships that facilitate people, carers and their families voices being heard across all age ranges. The Provider must be able to demonstrate that the organisation and facilitators have lived experience of mental health difficulties that gives them a unique insight and connection to the real experience of FoCUS members., The provider will be expected to fulfil the activities outlined below. , Responsibilities of the Service Provider, The service provider shall:, 4.8.1Promote the independent voice of people who use our services, carers and families, 4.8.2Ensure that all FoCUS members adhere to the Standards of behaviour and confidentiality, 4.8.3Liaise with other members of staff, as necessary to support the delivery of the contract, 4.8.4Work in collaboration with relevant Trust staff with regards to membership, engagement, and involvement , 4.8.5Ensure all matters discussed are managed sensitively and in line with confidentiality and good information governance, 4.8.6Be familiar with and able to apply the Surrey multi-agency safeguarding procedures, 4.8.7Act independently of the Trust for the benefit of FoCUS, 4.8.8Use the combined resources available to best meet the needs stated above, 4.8.9Seek to employ people who use services and carers to assist in the fulfilment of the contract, 4.8.10Conduct an annual review of involvement within the Trust and utilise one month’s Area Group meetings per year to gather feedback and views along with other involvement groups across the Trust and produce a report on the findings, 4.8.11Meet any obligations included in any of the documents produced by the service provider that form part of these obligations, 4.8.12Detail initiatives to provide this service. These initiatives should be sustainable and cost effective. It is expected that this will be a dynamic process whereby the successful provider will work closely with the Trust throughout the life of the contract to ensure all current and future opportunities are considered and acted upon., 4.8.13Detail ideas for future provision to ensure the development and sustainability of FoCUS with an emphasis on non-face to face engagement and development of a workshop style approach to FoCUS Area Group meetings. These initiatives should be sustainable and cost effective.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
75100000 - Administration services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors