Survey of invertebrate assemblages of saltmarsh within Humber Estuary Site of Special Scientific Interest
Surveys of invertebrates associated with saltmarsh within the Humber Estuary, using Common Standards Monitoring sampling protocols. The survey sites are Welwick saltmarsh (East Yorkshire), Tetney Marshes (Lincolnshire), Grainthorpe Haven (Lincolnshire), Saltfleet (Lincolnshire), with 4 sample locations at each site. 4 visits will be made between early May and end of September 2024, spread throughout the field season, with at least 4 weeks between visits. Assess the current state of the invertebrate assemblages associated with saltmarsh and associated habitats, using a combination of free-ranging searches and standardised survey methods. This includes pond netting, ground searching, spot sweeping, sweep netting. The main groups are Coleoptera and Diptera. To characterise the invertebrate assemblages and assess their quality and condition, using Pantheon, a database tool developed by Natural England and the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. To record brief habitat data to aid understanding of the habitat requirements of the assemblages. To provide habitat management recommendations for the invertebrate assemblages. There may be sensitive areas for breeding birds, including Schedule 1 species. This is difficult terrain and health and safety is key within tidal areas. The timing of visits will be constrained by tide times. Contract to start April 2024, with final report to be submitted by 15 March 2025.
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CPV Codes
90700000 - Environmental services
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1 Possible Competitors