Sustainable Development Manager
Siemens Mobility Limited Sustainability Support:The purpose of the role is to provide support to Siemens in delivering sustainability commitments associated with an upcoming major Welsh railway infrastructure project which will commence in October. We are looking for an individual or organisation who can put in place a delivery framework which describes how we will develop the commitments made during the bidding stage into a workable plan which can then be implemented by the project.Depending on capacity/experience we are looking for an organisation or individual who can support our delivery team to get a plan in place. Once this framework is in place we anticipate the successful applicant to work with one of our graduates to implement our proposals.The following experience is highly desired:•Prior experience in delivering sustainability objectives in the rail sector;•Experience in delivering projects to Welsh government requirements, notably alignment with the Well being of Future Generations Act;•Delivery of sustainability objectives (social and environmental) for major infrastructure projects;•Experience with working in joint ventures and with subcontractors to achieve project objectives; and•Experience in providing training on construction projects.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors