T0407 Critical Success Factors to Re-mode Customer Journey
The key purpose of this service is: 'to research the critical success factors required to influence the re-moding of targeted customer journeys away from single-occupancy car use, using National Highways network and assets.' The key objectives include the following: 1.Understand which of the gaps in evidence and understanding from the 2021/22 work should be developed in further detail in this project. 2.Consolidate findings from the following 2021/22 projects including: a.Critical Success Factors of Transport Interchanges on the SRN b.Incentivisation Project c.End to End Journeys Project d.Other relevant evidence e.g., Route Strategies 3.Better understand customer perspectives and behaviours in relation to re-moding within different contexts, and how this could influence future NH investment opportunities. 4.Understand what National Highways' role is in supporting travel choice and re-moding from the perspective of: a.Bus and Coach operators b.Local and National Stakeholder (STBs, TF, Bus and Coach Operators) 5.Customers - including segmentation of susceptible customers 6.Identify and understand how we use our existing infrastructure and assets to support re-moding of single-occupancy car trips and in what scenarios 7.Determine and detail the intervention opportunities; a.What transport re-moding opportunities would work in different scenarios and why b.What is National Highways role in developing and delivering these c.Develop a framework to assist the business with potential interventions based on the location and scenario, and the cost/time/resource associated with it. Findings from this project will contribute to the proposed Travel Demand Management Strategy workstream for 22-23.
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