T0478 Drafting of a new noise calculation method
The objective for this piece of work is to establish a comprehensive dataset of vehicle noise emission sources, and implementation of this data for use within the update to the existing road noise calculation method: Calculation of Road Traffic Noise (CRTN). The new and updated calculation methodology will be called: Calculation of Sound Levels Outdoors (CSLO), and will be split up into four parts: -Part 1: Terms and definitions -Part 2: Sound Propagation model -Part 3: Rail source terms -Part 4: Road source terms This project will focus on Part 4, and will ascertain the relevant information and data to complete and facilitate a working methodology. Working with the Environmental Sustainability Division's Sponsor and Project manager, this task is split up into the following deliverables: Task 1: Project inception/Kick-off meeting Arrange a project inception/kick-off meeting to determine project milestones. Task 2: Establish gaps in vehicle noise emission source data. Review existing work done to date on vehicle emission source data, in order to ascertain gaps in road noise emission source data needed to produce part 4 of CSLO. Use scope provided by Part 4 CRTN sub-committee as reference. Task 3: Undertake a suit of statistical pass-by noise measurements in order to obtain relevant data for use within proposed new road calculation methodology/standard. Following on from the work in deliverable 2, undertake an array of noise measurements to obtain a relevant dataset of sound power emissions from the UK's vehicle composition. This dataset will then be used within the proposed CSLO standard. Task 4: Implementation - Complete part 4 (road source terms) for the proposed standard Provide a report detailing all measurements in a format suitable for part 4 (Road traffic noise sources) of the CSLO prediction methodology.
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73220000 - Development consultancy services
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