T0538 Future Asphalt surface course linking to NH Net Zero - Phase 2
Implement through site trials/pilots (Phase 2) the most promising low carbon technologies for asphalt surface courses (which remains the main driver for RIS3 and onwards pavement-related expenditure within Operations) identified through the Feasibility Study (Phase 1) to support their effective adoption and quickly realise their whole life benefits. Following successful outcomes of this phase, the output will be a forward-facing review of the National Highways standards and proposal for amendments for the early adoption of these technologies as well as recommendations for next steps linked to the Net Zero Asphalt Roadmap. The project will also produce detailed design outputs of documented site trials, assessment of material performance, updates to the Technology Readiness Level and quantified whole life benefits of these emerging low carbon technologies which would significantly contribute to National Highways "Net Zero" Carbon targets. These technologies will be prioritised based on whole life and Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental (PESTLE) analysis.
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CPV Codes
73220000 - Development consultancy services
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1 Possible Competitors