T101 GBAD Radar Data Replicator for SDO/1000
The Joint Sensors and Engagement Networks Team (‘JSENS’), part of the UK Ministry of Defence (‘MoD’), intends to amend contract SACC/00003 with IBM United Kingdom (the ‘Contractor’) to add a new requirement to the contract. The new requirement is for equipment that will enable the UK’s air defence system, sky sabre, to receive and disseminate radar plot and strobe data from the Falkland Islands’ three primary Air Defence Radars. This data will be used in the generation of a complete and accurate air picture across the sky sabre command and control entities. The contract amendment will have a maximum value of GBP 750 000 ex VAT over a period of (1) years.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
35722000 - Radar
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors