T0578 Modelling Approaches Research Study
The required service is to undertake research into approaches to modelling highway scheme impacts alternative to the existing strategic modelling techniques. It is supposed that these alternative approaches may have the potential to better reflect the impacts of schemes whilst continuing to account for reassignment and variable demand responses. In particular, the research is to focus on two main alternative approaches: mesoscopic modelling; and hybrid modelling. TPG are looking to understand whether the application of these approaches would lead to a meaningful improvement in the assessment of schemes, and in what circumstances they should be considered. It is intended that the focus of the research study will be broadly split evenly between the key areas of mesoscopic and hybrid modelling. It is anticipated that the research will involve a blend of empirical and theoretical analysis. However, for the empirical analysis, it is not foreseen that extensive development of models or associated tools, software and processes should be undertaken. Best use should be made of existing models and 'proof of concept' techniques. In considering the balance between theoretical and empirical analysis, bidders should consider how to minimise the size of the gap left to bridge at the end of this study between the theoretical and the practical application of any recommended alternative approaches. In responding to this brief, bidders should specify how the answers to the defined research questions will be both investigated and evidenced to enable National Highways TPG to have confidence in the conclusions. It should be clearly set out where empirical analysis will be undertaken and where responses will be based purely on theoretical analysis.
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1 Possible Competitors