T0603 Motorcycle Training and Intervention Refinement and Evaluation
Motorcycle Training and Intervention Refinement and Evaluation National Highways Strategic Safety Team in the Road Safety Division is looking to appoint a consultant who will use and apply the findings from our recent research "Improving motorcycle safety: A review of interventions and guidance for development and evaluation" to refine and evaluate National Highways Bikertek campaign and one other post-licence motorcycle intervention. In this earlier review, we explored the role of post-licence motorcycle interventions for improving the safety of motorcyclists in Great Britain. The research helps to understand the current landscape of post-licence rider interventions in Great Britain. It provides insights into the types of programmes available, their design, approach, and effectiveness for enhancing rider safety. It states that an in-depth review of these post-licence rider interventions and international studies highlights the need for improved evaluation and reporting, better intervention design, a better appreciation of the diverse nature of motorcyclists, and clearer correlation between interventions and common crash types. We want to build on these findings with a consultant who will collaborate with an organisation who is currently offering post licence motorcycle intervention(s) such as 'advanced' rider training, education, communications and hazard perception. The post-licence interventions we are interested in are named in our research report, they are voluntary, and supplementary to any training required for licence acquisition. The outcome of this project will be refinement and evaluation of Bikertek and one other post-licensing motorcycle intervention, in line with the best practice findings outlined in the research report.
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73220000 - Development consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors