T0585 TATE3015 Active Travel England Design Assurance Technical Services
Active Travel England (ATE) is a government agency that has been set up to raise standards in cycling and walking infrastructure. ATE requires additional technical services support to help manage design assurance activity during peak periods to ensure that all high complexity, high-cost active travel schemes funded by Government are appropriately assured against good practice guidance. We are therefore looking to procure consultants that will: -Review and inspect a portfolio of cycling and walking schemes at key stages of the scheme lifecycle from bid proposals and preliminary design through to completion, making recommendations to ATE on design issues that need to be resolved; -Support ATE to enforce higher standards in scheme design and implementation by developing tools, guidance and research/evidence, with specific reference to the Department's Cycling Infrastructure Design Guidance (Local Transport Note 1/20) (herein referred to as LTN 1/20) LTN 1/20 and other relevant guidance (e.g. Manual for Streets, Inclusive Mobility, Healthy Streets indicators). -Support the ATE spatial planning team by providing support to assessment of major planning applications to ensure that Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) and developers provide adequate provision for cycling and walking in new developments.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73220000 - Development consultancy services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors