T0354 TRAP3001 Smart Motorway Report and Findings
The Department for Transport (DfT) is undertaking a review of the governance processes and regulatory framework for implementing changes to the design and operation of the Strategic Road Network (SRN). This work is in response to the Transport Select Committee's Third Report of Session 2021-22, published following its inquiry into the rollout and safety of smart motorways. The aims of the review are split into the following two stages. For the avoidance of doubt, this work order is for Stage 1 of the review process only. 1.Stage 1 - Assess whether the current health and safety governance processes and regulatory framework for implementing changes to the design and operation of the SRN are sufficiently robust (for both the present and with future consideration), or if improvements should be made. Any upcoming changes to governance/regulatory processes should also be captured in this assessment. The assessment will be informed by a comparison with the governance processes and regulatory framework within comparable sectors such as rail and aviation. 2.Stage 2 - Evaluate different approaches through which the improvements to health and safety governance identified in Stage 1 of the review process could be made. This will include: -assessing the case (costs, benefits, barriers, and risks) for expanding the role of the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) to undertake formal health and safety assessments. -identifying and assessing the case for other approaches to achieve desired outcomes. The analysis should consider future changes in the design and operation of the SRN (for example the digital roads agenda) to help future proof the assessment of health and safety governance processes. DfT officials will discuss this requirement with the Supplier at project inception to confirm the scope and approach taken in the analysis. Progression to Stage 2 of the project will be subject to the outcomes of Stage 1. DfT will review the Stage 1 findings and decide whether to progress to Stage 2.
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