Target Operational Model (TOM) Delivery Partner for CCG
Wave 1 of the CCG TOM Programme is now underway. Most of the projects have been in initiation and design but are due to move into implementation in FY 24/25 having completed a short project setting out a high-level approach to strategic prioritisation and having stood up a new Compliance Operations Directorate. We are now looking to bring in a Technical Delivery Partner to assist with completing the design and implementation of Wave 1, where the projects are at various stages of readiness for implementation, and to commence the design for Wave 2.The COD project has established the new cross-CCG Operations function that will consolidate and centralize various elements from different CCG Directorates to improve efficiency, effectiveness and customer experience. The formation of the COD Directorate sets the groundwork to achieve the critical success factors' intent. The project has created four main functions: (1) Professionalism and Capability, (2) Compliance Operational Process and Systems, (3) CCG Operational Planning, Performance, Evaluation and Resourcing, and (4) Compliance Design and Response.End to End Business Planning (E2E) is a key focus for this contract. The aim is to improve planning across CCG by designing a future state that prioritises CCG's key compliance risks and plans strategically over a multi-year timeframe enabling evolution to a "Push Model" whereby strategic direction dictates operational planning. -The E2E project has separated activities into 3 workstreams. -Under Workstream 1, a framework has been generated, that when implemented, will support prioritisation and multi-year planning. Lessons have been captured and where appropriate utilised in maturing FY24/25 thinking. -Under Workstream 2 (carried forward from 23/24) detailed process designs remain work in progress and when approved, will be taken forward for implementation aligned with the maturing implementation plan. -Via Workstream 3, the project team aim to execute year one of the multi-year implementation plan, resulting in a Minimum Viable Product version of the business planning process. Wave 2 activities and future projects have not been determined/agreed, and the delivery partner will support with developing the Concept, Discovery and Design phases of Wave 2. For context, a CCG TOM Programme with circa 51FTE has been established with a monthly Programme Board and monthly project boards (E2E, COD, S&C, TOM_CoR, MI). Multi-disciplinary project teams have been established for each Wave 1 project with access to an allocated Senior Responsible Officer, project manager, project support, business analysts, SMEs, change managers, comms managers, benefits managers and design support. The new Technical Delivery Partner will be providing Programme Director support, via the agreed outcomes. the expectation is that the delivery partner will be fully integrated with the rest of the TOM Programme team.
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72590000 - Computer-related professional services.
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1 Possible Competitors