Targeted Community Physical Activity Service
Improving healthy life expectancy and reducing health inequalities are key priorities for Hampshire Public Health as defined in the Hampshire Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy 2019-24, the Public Health Strategy 2023-2026, as well as in the Hampshire and Isle of Wight 'We Can Be Active' Physical Activity Strategy 2021. Currently, 21.8% of adults in Hampshire are inactive. Physical activity rates appear to be steadily increasing in Hampshire. However, inequalities exist and there are several groups where physical activity rates are declining, creating a widening gap between the most and least active groups. The Council intends to commission an evidencebased service that provides a group / team sport / physical activity intervention aimed at people who are currently inactive (Less than 30 minutes of activity a week). The Council wants to ensure that people referred to the service are supported for a suitable period and are then signposted to other services or sources of support to improve other aspects of their lifestyle, and to maintain their physical activity levels. The objectives of the service are to: To provide an evidence-based, physical activity intervention enabling inactive adults in Hampshire to become active for a period of at least 12 weeks. To contribute to reducing health inequalities in Hampshire by targeting the locations and groups of people with the greatest levels of inactivity. To deliver a high-quality service that is responsive to the requirements of the priority groups and maximises retention from enrolment to completion. To give participants the confidence and means to sustain behaviour change at the end of the intervention period and thereafter To improve links to the community and knowledge of local venues and spaces in which to be physically active The total contract value for this service is up to £1,590,000.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors