Tax Credits Campaign Tracking Research 2016 -17
Market Research MR130001 Framework Agreement contract Tax credits are administered by HM Revenue & Customs and were designed to provide financial incentives to work and to help children in low income families. There are two types of tax credits – Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit. Claimants can qualify for either or both, depending on their circumstances The next main burst of Tax Credits advertising will be the Renewals campaign activity which will run from 20th June – 31st July 2016. The communications objectives of the marketing campaign are to encourage: •At least 82% of claimants to renew before the July 31st deadline (in 2016) •At least 50% of claimants to renew online (in 2016) Research has been undertaken to track previous Tax Credits campaigns. Historically there have been two waves (pre and post) of research per year: •Pre wave Renewals tracking – to provide a baseline prior to the campaign starting •Post wave Renewals tracking – to understand the effectiveness of the campaign after it has finished. The purpose of this research is to measure the effectiveness of the June – July 2016 Renewals advertising campaign amongst current Tax Credits claimants. The research should evaluate the following: •Awareness of the campaign •Comprehension of key messages •Online renewals - what encouraged them to renew online •Call to action – have they understood the need to renew online and have they renewed their claim
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1 Possible Competitors