T23-140BUS PEACEPLUS Culture Now Showcase
Derry City and Strabane District Council invite suppliers to tender for a PeacePlus Culture Now Showcase. This project is under the Celebrating Cultures and Diversity Theme. It is an intergenerational project which will promote and celebrate the diversity of cultures in Northern Ireland bringing together traditional/indigenous cultures (including Marching Bands, Irish and Highland Dance, Ulster Scot and Irish Traditional Music) alongside Black and Minority Ethnic cultures and wider contemporary culture. This project will challenge perceptions of traditional cultural practices in Northern Ireland, engaging participant’s talent from different traditional music, bands and cultures alongside professional performing practitioners. The cross-community artistic collaboration will create a new, diverse, inclusive, showcase which will perform across council areas and cross border, promoting cultural understanding. It is a District Level Project which should engage participants from across the council area including significant rural and have some cross-border engagement. The co-design process identified that a project of this nature as well as being of general arts and culture interest, was of specific interest to Ulster-Scots, Irish, Marching Bands, BAME, Section 75 and ‘working class’ loyalist, rural and urban identities. Please refer to the CfT documents for further detail.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85322000 - Community action programme
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors