TC1152 - Ancoats Mobility Hub Operator
MCC is looking for a commercial operator to manage and operate The Mobility Hub. The Mobility Hub will be the first building of its type to be constructed in the UK, and the first building to be completed as part of the Ancoats Phase 3 programme (also known as 'Back of Ancoats'), which includes 1,500 homes as well as commercial development and significant new and refurbished areas of public realm. The vision of the Mobility Hub is to provide a shared services facility with the purpose of delivering car parking, sustainable travel options and smart logistics for the growing number of residents and workers in Ancoats, as well as visitors to the area. The facility is proposed to meet the parking requirements of residential development in the Back of Ancoats, and to remove parking from individual schemes thereby releasing additional land for housing to improve viability. It is designed to provide access to sustainable travel modes including cycling and walking, public transport, and car clubs and will be integrated with enhanced cycling and walking routes across Ancoats and New Islington. Please refer to the Ancoats Poland Street Zone Public Realm Strategy. The hub will include secure cycle storage and cycle hub facilities to encourage cycling as a primary mode of transport, promote electric vehicles (EV) where private car use is required, with EV charging infrastructure provided; and encourage the use of an EV car club over car ownership, offering a range of vehicles to suit as many users as possible. The aim is that this shared facility, alongside the significant investment in public realm being delivered in parallel, is to create a "people first" neighbourhood, reduce vehicle movements and remove on street parking. Its function is to deal with the practical obstacles that usually make this aim difficult to achieve by offering a service and facility that creates a central Hub that in turn will transform the neighbourhood.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
34430000 - Bicycles
63712400 - Parking services
79993000 - Building and facilities management services
31158000 - Chargers
34144900 - Electric vehicles
98350000 - Civic-amenity services
44421720 - Lockers
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors