TC1191 - Secure Email and Large File Transfer
Zivver provides email message level encryption, large secure file transfer capabilities with unlimited recall. Through seamless integration with Outlook and M365, regardless of your device or whether you're in the cloud or on-premises. Human error is the leading cause of data leaks; sending an email to the wrong person, using cc instead of Bcc, or sharing the wrong information or file. These errors can now be proactively fixed before they occur with active error detection, powered by machine learning business rules. The current contract/service in place only provides for 2000 specific MCC users whereas this new solution will cover the whole of the 8100 MCC user base so there is greater coverage, enhanced security and much better value for money delivered by this service. The plan is to run a 2-month PoC from November 23 with the aim to provide 2 months to test & refine the solution ahead of a go/no go towards the end of the year and before we have to service notice on the existing contract.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors