TCC001103T - Multi-Supplier Framework for the provision of Ground Investigation Works on the N24 Cahir to Limerick Junction and N24 Waterford to Cahir Projects.
Tipperary County Council (“the Procuring Authority”) acting as a purchasing body is procuring on its own behalf and on behalf of Kilkenny County Council (“the Contracting Authorities”) a multi-supplier Framework for the provision of Ground Investigation Works on the ‘N24 Cahir to Limerick Junction and N24 Waterford to Cahir Projects’.There will be two identical Framework Agreements, one for each Contracting Authority that will allow for up to five framework contractors (provided sufficient tenderers qualify) to qualify for a place on the Framework. The same five contractors will quality for a place on both Frameworks.It is envisaged that Tipperary County Council and Kilkenny County Council will each procure a number of ground investigation contracts running concurrently in the study areas for each of the two projects at Phase 2 Option Selection (2021/2022) and at Phase 3 Design and Environmental Evaluation (2022/2024) by way of mini-competitions (call-offs) from this Framework.The ground investigation contracts may comprise of Cable Percussive Boreholes, Rotary Percussive Boreholes, Geobor S Rotary Drilling, Window Samples, Trial Pits, Slit Trenches, Observation Pits & Trenches, Dynamic Probes (DPH) & (DPSH), Cone Penetration Testing (including static cone & seismic cone), Land Geophysical Surveying (including ground penetrating radar, electro magnetic conductivity, electrical resistivity tomography, seismic refraction spreads, 2D MASW, microgravity profiles & 2D resistivity), Down the Hole Geophysical Surveying (including calliper, natural gamma, resistivity, sonic, fluid temperature, conductivity & fluid flow), Overwater Geophysical Surveying (including underwater MASW, underwater seismic refraction & sub-bottom profiling), Groundwater Monitoring Installations, Combined Groundwater & Gas Monitoring Installations, Push in Vibrating Wire Groundwater Piezometers, Reporting and Acting as PSCS for the duration of the Contracts. Refer to the Specification.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71351500 - Ground investigation services
71351210 - Geophysical consultancy services
45111250 - Ground investigation work
71510000 - Site-investigation services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors