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Technical Preparedness Study - Hydrogen Blends in the Northern Ireland Gas Distribution Networks
The Northern Ireland Gas Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) (i.e. firmus energy (Distribution) Limited (firmus energy networks), Phoenix Energy Group Limited and SGN Evolve Network Limited), along with Transmission System Operators - Mutual Energy and Gas Networks Ireland (UK) - have established a pathway to decarbonise the NI Gas Network by 2050. To support this pathway, we have developed an extensive programme of research projects to support our preparations to accommodate large volumes of renewable gas. The objective of this project is to establish the readiness of NI's gas distribution networks to accept hydrogen and natural gas blends including assessment of pressure reduction stations, primary meter installations and the impacts on larger end user downstream systems. The project will aim at the outset, to maximise the draw down of relevant evidence and data from publicly available hydrogen related trials, testing and research work and other industry sources thus enabling focus to be placed on identifying and addressing gaps in data, equipment performance verification and materials testing that are specific to the NI gas distribution networks. The NI DNOs are therefore seeking a qualified and suitably experienced consultant to establish the technical and safety readiness of the NI distribution networks and end user downstream systems to accept hydrogen. Whilst the immediate priority is to identify the limits of existing gas infrastructure and end user downstream systems for hydrogen blends of up to 20% by volume, this project work shall not preclude consideration of 100% hydrogen where this can be practically, and cost effectively covered in assessments and investigative works. The final outcome of this project is expected to be a detailed and comprehensive report on the current hydrogen ready status of NI gas networks and metering assets that identifies and quantifies safety risks and mitigations, with a prioritised and cost estimated roadmap outlining the requirements for network modification or replacement, recommended areas of further testing/research work and associated expenditure, as necessary, to safely facilitate injected hydrogen.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73110000 - Research services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors