
Telephone Advice and Guidance


NHS England 22/23 priorities and operational guidance states the importance of access to specialist advice services in order to optimise referrals and enhance patient pathways. On this basis North Central London CCG are seeking to commission a digital platform to enable both telephone based and clinically secure photo messaging application for the provision of Clinical Advice & Guidance for a range of clinical specialties., The platform will support the range of organisations within NCL (primary, community, acute, tertiary, mental health and ambulance) to access specialist advice and guidance in a timely manner that enhances the patient pathway. , The service is able to offer a range of specialties covering both physical and mental health and also as appropriate cover for routine and urgent care. , The service will initially offer local clinicians to provide the specialist advice and guidance. Where this is not available, subject to pathway consideration, an offer of advice and guidance from a clinician outside of North Central London should be made available. , The service will also allow clinicians from providers to engage with clinicians in other local providers in NCL thus facilitating the creation and development of local system working, as part of the future development of clinical networks in the North Central London Integrated Care System., The Benefits, •Better patient experience , oPatient receives quicker decision on expected patient pathway/treatment/diagnosis, oAvoid unnecessary visits to hospital, •Better GP experience, oImmediate/timely support from other healthcare specialists, Signposting to correct pathway,  Advice on appropriate diagnostics, Support on patient management plans, Education and professional development, oCreating a network amongst healthcare professionals within NCL that , oEasy to use system that allows quick easy access to advice via conversation/messaging, •Better Consultant experience, oMore efficient and timely way to support healthcare professionals with advice and guidance, oAvoid inappropriate referrals coming to hospital, oSupporting dialogue with other healthcare professionals, •Better for the hospital and CCG/ICS, oDevelopment of NCL networks across the ICS, oProviding system support across healthcare professionals and providers, oSupport better integration throughout patients pathway by connecting organisations together at different stages of the pathway , Expected outcomes from this service include:, •Provide timely access to clinical advice and guidance for healthcare professionals, •Enhance and improve access to clinical services through digital technology and innovation, •Provision of consistently high quality service meeting the needs of the clinical service user and improving the timely management of patients , •Provision of a highly stable digital and telephony platform , •Recorded outcomes of clinical advice and guidance to enable clinical audit of the service at specialty level and clinical user level , •High level of clinical user satisfaction from healthcare professionals using and delivering the service, •Supporting service users to access the service in the most supportive and effective way including training, reviewing services at specialty/GP/ GP practice/ hospital provider, •Provide Education and professional development to healthcare professionals using the platform., The contract is for 3 year with an option to extend for an additional 2 years. The contract value for the five year period is £3,160,000 , The Contract is expected to commence on 1st October 2022, with the possible deadline for delivery of the service being 30th September 2027., Bidders are requested to review the contents of the ITT guidance document carefully, register their organisation, and express their interest in the ITT via the e-tendering portal (ProContract). ITT documentation can be accessed following initial registration and expression of interest via the e-tendering portal:,, Any reference to "the e-tendering portal" should be considered reflective of the above web address., The ITT has been issued through the e-tendering portal. All Bidders wishing to participate must complete and submit Bids that comply with the requirements set out in the ITT document. Bidders are required to complete the online questionnaire on procontract and upload any attachments as indicated before the deadline for submission of bids specified in the ITT document., The project on Procontract Portal can be accessed by clicking the following link: -, The deadline for the submission of tender is 1400hrs on 21 March 2022., The deadline for any clarification questions is 1700hrs on 14th March 2022. All clarification questions must be submitted via the messaging facility on Pro-contract.


Published Date :

14th Feb 2022 3 years ago

Deadline :

21st Mar 2022 2 years ago

Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions

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Status :


Assign to :

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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors