Telephone Advice and Guidance
North Central London CCG are seeking to commission a digital platform to enable both telephone based and clinically secure photo messaging application for the provision of Clinical Advice & Guidance for a range of clinical specialties., The platform will provide a consistent level of stability and importantly a high level of connectivity with exceptional connection times measured in seconds. , The service is able to offer a range of specialties covering both physical and mental health. , The service is integrated with key local providers in North Central London but is entirely backed up by a national network of NHS clinicians. , This ensures that primary care always has access to immediate clinical advice and guidance. , The service also allows clinicians from providers to engage with clinicians in other local providers in NCL as well as the national network, thus facilitating the creation and development of local system working, as part of the future development of clinical networks in the North Central London Integrated Care System., The Benefits , • Better patient experience - improved access to clinical care pathway, avoidance of unnecessary patient visits to hospital, reductions in follow-up visits to GP Practices , • Better GP experience - improved patient management including: patient episodes conclude with no follow-up work, casebased learning, reconnecting with Consultants; more efficient and fully IG-compliant way of taking photo images and transferring to patient records , • Better Consultant experience - improved management of GP clinical advice & guidance including: reduction in inappropriate referrals, reduction in the number of written requests for advice that require responses, reconnecting with GPs , • Better for the hospital and CCG/ICS - establish an NCL system approach with improved clinical networking, full tracking of Advice & Guidance activity, greater 'whole system' efficiency, with savings available to support other hospital and community initiatives, Expected outcomes from this service include:, •Provide timely access to clinical advice and guidance for healthcare professionals, •Enhance and improve access to clinical services through digital technology and innovation, •Provision of consistently high quality service meeting the needs of the clinical service user and improving the timely management of patients , •Provision of a highly stable digital and telephony platform , •Recorded outcomes of clinical advice and guidance to enable clinical audit of the service at specialty level and clinical user level , •High level of clinical user satisfaction from healthcare professionals using and delivering the service, •Supporting service users to access the service in the most supportive and effective way including training, reviewing services at specialty/GP/ GP practice/ hospital provider, Please note that the PIN is being advertised as a call for competition. , The contract is a going to be for 3 year with an option to extend for an additional 2 years., The Contract is expected to commence on 1st April 2022 , with the possible deadline for delivery of the service being 31st March 2027., To participate in the procurement exercise, potential bidders will need to register their organisation on our e-tendering portal (if you are not already registered on e-tendering portal)( and express their interest by completing the attached Expression of Interest questionnaire. Your expression of interest will be treated as incomplete should you fail to submit a duly completed expression of interest questionnaire., The deadline for the expression of interest is 12 noon 01/11/2021, The expression of interest questionnaire is available @ ( Interested organisation must download the expression of interest questionnaire. Duly completed expression of interest questionnaire must be submitted via messaging facility on this project on procontract., If you have any clarification questions please submit it via messaging facility on pro-contract
Pretender :
Not Identified
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
64210000 - Telephone and data transmission services
85300000 - Social work and related services
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors