Tender for consultant to undertake research on housing, care and support needs of older people
The Council is looking to secure a consultant to undertake research into the housing, care and support needs of older people across the North Norfolk District Council area and capture the spend on care and support for older people across the voluntary, private and public sectors. The research will mainly use secondary data but will include an element of primary research to be undertaken by the successful consultant. The completed research document will enable the Council to understand: - the housing, support and care needs of the older population - the suitability of both the existing general needs housing stock and specific age designated older persons accommodation across all tenures to meet the current and future needs of older persons - the level of spend across the voluntary, private and public sectors on the provision of care and support for older people. Once complete the research will enable the Council to: - Develop specific policies to meet the housing and care needs of older people in the new Local Plan - Identify strategic responses to meet identified needs and demand - Identify opportunities to lever additional outcomes from existing spend on care and support in terms of additional service provision and employment and training opportunities. The Older Persons Research Tender document available on the Council's website provides full details of the scope of the work required and how proposals to undertake the research should be submitted.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors