Tender for supply of custom built cabinet for salt spray testing with variable humidity control
A test cabinet (approx. 200L capacity) with variable humidity control is required to produce salt spray conditions conforming to ASTM B117 and all other major standards including BS EN ISO 16701:2008, ISO 9227. Variable humidity control is required to test at both a constant temperature (ambient-50ºC) between 15-95% relative humidity and cyclic temperature to various standards such as BS 3900 F2. Two methods of sample drying are required: heat drying (producing dry heat up to 50ºC) and air drying, where a large volume of air is introduced into the chamber to produce an oxygen enriched atmosphere. The above events (salt spray, dry cycle and humidity cycle) are to be programmable in any sequence and duration, including different set points and cycle time between set points.The cabinet is to be custom built to encapsulate the pull rods of a uniaxial servo hydraulic load frame. The cabinet must therefore stand approximately 100cm from the floor and the outer dimensions are to measure less than 60cm wide (to sit between the pillars of the load frame) and less than 60cm in height (to sit beneath the cross head/load cell of the load frame). No restrictions are placed on the depth of the cabinet but must take into consideration the hydraulic lines that may run on the floor behind the frame. The equipment is to be delivered to Singleton Campus to be housed within the Steel and Metals Institute (SaMI).NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at
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1 Possible Competitors