Tender for the development and delivery of a ‘Change Management for Housing’ qualification at approx
This is a project to develop and pilot delivery of an accredited training programme at level 4 / 5 which improves the change management skills of people working for housing associations who are responsible for change in their organisation and the wider community. Housing employers are large local employers, many based in convergence fund areas, who serve some of the most deprived communities in Wales. The priority for housing is to develop skills in facilitating change and innovation because there are three key drivers which are currently transforming housing services:1.To eliminate unfit housing in Wales the Welsh Government has introduced a standard called the Welsh Housing Quality Standard which all social housing has to meet by 2012.2.Organisational change such as Large Scale Voluntary Transfer of Local Authority housing stock to the private sector, responses to the recession, mergers and group structures. 3.The Housing Strategy for Wales and new regulation and performance management for housing associations.Project aims: The project aim is for a minimum of ten housing associations to take part in the pilot programme and to successfully develop and deliver the qualification to 45 individuals in North and South Wales who are responsible for planning, leading and implementing change at any level in their organisation and for this to be extended to a wider group of organisations following the pilot. Asset Skills is looking for provider/s to develop and deliver the qualifications to learners in the following geographic areas: •15 learners North Wales•15 learners South East Wales•15 learners South West WalesThe project will begin in May 2012 and complete by 31st March 2013.
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CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors