Tender for the provision of Specialist Design Team Consultancy Services - Development and Delivery of a Heritage Visitor Attraction at the South Blockhouse, Hull
The Authority is seeking to procure specialist design consultancy services to assist in progressing plans for creating a new heritage visitor attraction at the South Blockhouse scheduled monument site in Hull. Full details of the requirements can be found by accessing the Council's tender portal, YORtender, at Tender Ref. 48657, weblink . The Authority is seeking to procure specialist design consultancy services to assist in progressing plans for creating a new heritage visitor attraction at the South Blockhouse scheduled monument site in Hull. The Authority has been awarded National Highways (formerly Highways England) Designated Funds of £1m to: (A) Develop and deliver a community archaeology programme on the South Blockhouse (part of a Scheduled Ancient Monument); and subsequently to (B) Develop and deliver a heritage visitor attraction on the South Blockhouse site. The key strategic objectives for the South Blockhouse Project are: 1) To conserve and enhance the site of a nationally significant scheduled ancient monument. 2) To improve public access to the site, in terms of both physical interventions and improved awareness of its heritage. 3) To engage local people throughout the delivery and development phases in order to foster a sense of community ownership. 4) To develop a new visitor node on the main pedestrian route to Hull's Old Town which adds further value to the city's existing heritage offer. A single Project Team within the Authority will manage both elements (A) and (B) of the South Blockhouse Project. The total budget set aside for the South Blockhouse Project is £1.25m, with costs expected to be split approximately 50:50 between elements (A) and (B). This procurement relates solely to element (B): development of the site to strengthen pedestrian and cycle access and create a high-quality public visitor space. The contract is of two pieces of work, to be priced separately.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90712100 - Urban environmental development planning
79314000 - Feasibility study
79415200 - Design consultancy services
45212314 - Historical monument or memorial construction work
45111291 - Site-development work
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors