Tender to Establish a Framework for Suction Tubing and Tips GPO
As the only national committed-model group purchasing organisation (GPO) in the UK, HealthTrust Europe is a healthcare partner concerned with its members who are delivering care within the local communities; as such we leverage the purchasing power of our GPO members in order to increase 'value' (Quality, Safety, Service & Price) through our contracting processes. We take clinical and commercial requirements to market on behalf of our members and undertake procurement activities aimed at obtaining the highest quality products and services at the best price for healthcare providers. Our clinically-driven sourcing process underpins our mission to strengthen provider performance and clinical excellence to ultimately improve healthcare in the communities we serve. This tender is to establish a framework for the supply of Suction Tubing and Tips. This ITT will be run as a GPO Open procurement exercise (meaning future GPO members may also call-off from the framework) and is exclusively limited to HTE GPO members who have agreed to participate and commit volume to the awarded supplier(s) for a period of 2 years with an option to extend for a further year. We are currently exploring options within this category and welcome feedback as how best to structure so as to achieve best value and an effective range of options for our members. We will be clarifying potential estimated value of this procurement as part of the pre-engagement exercise in response to this PIN. We currently estimate the total value to be in the region of £2 million, the scope may include surgical tubing and respiratory tubing as well as suction canisters, lining and closed-open suction catheters.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors