The Basic and Life Skills Project for Ashfield
Project Description / Summary - Basic and Life Skills Projectr From the 2021 Census, it was identified that 23.6% of Ashfield residents aged 16+ have declared to have no qualifications.r Functional skills are essential for further studies and are applicable in most jobs. Most people need these vital skills to work, learn and contribute to society effectively. Functional skills enhance proficiency in numeracy and literacy, which is essential in daily trade and service transactions. Learning material for functional skills qualifications is based on practical and real-life situations. Developing functional skills can increase confidence and improve both work performance and productivity.r r The Basic and Life Skills programme's aim is to improve the stats in paragraph above, consisting of supporting residents complete functional skills courses which will allow them to take a step closer to the labour market, level up within the digital world, effectively communicate with others, and collaborate with new and emerging technologies in the workplace. The programme will act as a springboard and a key access point for residents to overcome challenges that they are facing through the current cost-of-living crisis, build resilience, improve confidence and support them in developing the skills needed to move into high quality jobs and training opportunities within the district.
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80000000 - Education and training services
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1 Possible Competitors