
The Delivery of Apprenticeships to servicemen/women of the Defence Medical Services (Royal Navy, Arm


Education and training services. The Army holds an agreement with the Skills Funding Agency of England (SFA) to provide a grant towards the delivery of Apprenticeships and other work-based learning qualifications to servicemen and women as part of their continuing professional development. This requirement covers delivery of Apprenticeship qualifications to medical personnel of the Royal Navy (RN), Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC), Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps (QARANC) and the Royal Air Force (RAF).The Authority is seeking to select a Contractor to deliver this requirement. Because SFA funding is provided on an annual basis, any Contract would be let on the basis of 1 year certain with 4 optional 1-year periods or parts thereof commencing 1.8.2014. As the SFA funding methodology may change as at the commencement of any funding year, the Authority reserves the right to review the funding methodology to reflect changes to the SFA funding. It should be noted that delivery of this requirement is wholly dependent upon the continuing availability of SFA funding.Potential Contractors will be required to ensure that their proposals for delivery allow for incorporating emerging Government initiatives. The Authority also reserves the right to review either or both the delivery and funding methodology in response to the implementation of new apprenticeship standards/formats, regulations governing delivery/assessment or new funding regulations arising from the Government's response to the Richards Review and other studies. The Contractor may be required to support the Defence Medical Services Training Group (DMSTG) (The Defence Medical Services Training Group will be renamed to Defence College of Healthcare Education and Training (DCHET) as at 1 Apr 14) in achieving and retaining centre approval status. The Contractor will be required to comply with all current and future Government and Army requirements in areas such as safeguarding of learners and protection of data. In addition, the Contractor will be required to adhere to current and future Army Apprenticeships quality standards and processes.The methodology and location for delivery varies with the requirements of each single Service or Army Corps. Delivery commences during the Phase 2 Trade Training at the DMSTG and continues into Field Unit service in accordance with each single Service or Army Corps' Whole Life Development Strategy. Time may be allocated in Phase 2 training for the delivery of Functional Skills but in some cases the contractor may be required to complete the delivery of Functional Skills during Field Unit service. Delivery in the field can be structured as courses or more informal in evenings and spare time.The information given below is based upon historic figures, is indicative only and cannot be guaranteed. There will be no carry in learners as this is a new requirement.The Defence Medical Services are based throughout the UK, Germany and Cyprus. Servicemen/women are inducted onto their apprenticeship programmes during Phase 2 Training at the DMSTG in Lichfield. The Phase 2 training includes one or more clinical placements during which, the Contractor will be able to assess competence towards the apprenticeship qualification. The Contractor may be required to provide support to DMSTG in the administration of these clinical placements. Depending upon single Service or trade specialisation, learners undertake Advanced Apprenticeship programmes in Healthcare and delivery of Functional Skills takes place during the Phase 2 training. All Apprenticeships are completed in Field Units. For 2013/14 the estimated delivery is based upon a profile of 500 starts at Level 3.The RAMC aspires to the implementation of a Level 4 Higher Apprenticeship for the Combat Med Tech trade. Development work is under-way on a Higher Apprenticeship and, if successful, this may be adopted for some personnel in the RN or RAF. The Contractor must be prepared to participate in the development of this programme and undertake delivery of the qualification when introduced.


Published Date :

11th Feb 2015 10 years ago

Deadline :


Tender Awarded :

1 Supplier

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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


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High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

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Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors