The design and development of a financial business model for sustainable SAS workforce retention
A Midlands based hospital addressed the central issue of retention and recruitment by offering a bespoke retention model for SAS doctors. This model supported SAS Doctors with a range of development which had a positive effect on retention rates. The implementation of this model resulted in savings, lower spend on agency, better recruitment and retention rates and a positive impact on the four-hour target performance. With the support of Health Education England in the East Midlands area this model was piloted across the East Midlands and beyond. An independent evaluation of this work found that there were a number of Hospitals that had implemented local models to address workforce development challenges in both areas of recruitment and retention. The aim is to design and develop of a financial business model for sustainable SAS doctor workforce retention. The objectives are to: • Undertake a detailed analysis of the financial business models put in place by Hospitals to sustainably retain SAS doctors. • Develop an evidence based generic financial business model to provide support in retaining SAS doctors. • Develop resources to support the implementation of a generic model for SAS workforce development and retention • Provide examples of scenarios that would require an adjustment to the generic model. It is anticipated that this would help hospitals to tailor the generic model to suit their own local needs. Deliverables 1. A clear and concise business report containing: i) A detailed analysis of existing financial business models that have been used by hospitals to retain SAS doctors ii) An evidence based financial business model that could be used by Hospitals to support the implementation of the SAS doctor retention model. iii) A range of scenarios that might trigger the need for an adjustment to the model with an identification of any risks and associated mitigation with the recommended course of action. iv) Identification of any inter-dependencies. 2. A clear project plan of deliverables with associated timelines and costings. 3. Resources to support the implementation of a generic model for SAS workforce development and retention 4. A presentation of the work to the national Health Education England Urgent and Emergency Care Workforce Programme Board.
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