The development of an interactive web-based tool to support the Community Strategy for Sport
The tool needs to display information derived from our two major surveys. The first is a survey of school pupils in Wales and is based on the school unit. The second is a survey of adults (that have left school) and is based on the household unit. It will also need to tell a story, with multimedia being used to showcase exemplar journeys. These stories need to be integrated within the design.The tool should be simple and engaging through a quality design. The target audience will be sport administrators in local authorities (or the post-Williams report equivalent), Welsh Government, and a variety of existing and future private, public and third sector partners. This will need to be factored in to the type of design offered.The tool will need to be web-based and work alongside the Sport Wales website. Although not integrated to the site, it will need to be linked to from the Sport Wales site. This means that there tool need to seamlessly integrate with the corporate theme of the website (in terms of style, design, fonts used, colour schemes used etc.). The tool will be hosted independently of the Sport Wales websiteThe tool needs to tell a story. It is envisaged that this will involve the integration of some forms of multimedia to showcase case studies and user journeys (e.g. the physical literacy journey - how an inactive young person became and active adult engaged in the community by 2021). These stories will be provided and will aim to bring the data to life and add real life meaning to the numbers. Ideas on how this would be possible are welcome.The tool will need to display a range of demographic and sports related data (e.g. Gender, Age, No. of Sports Club members) but is fundamentally based on frequency of participation in sport. It is likely that these data will need to be updated every year. One year for schools the next year for adults and so on.The tool needs to be able to show the national headline data as well as local data and therefore needs a simple interface in order to switch between views.The size of each ‘bubble’ needs to be scalable to represent the proportion of that variables contribution to the national or local population. Therefore if there are a high proportion of people participating in sport (at least three times a week) then this bubbles size needs to account for this. Likewise if there are more females (e.g. 60%) in an area then the ‘bubble’ for this variable will need to be larger. In addition each bubble will display the actual of number of people it represents e.g. 6,000. The percentages will not be shown.Although designed to be web-based all the stages above need to be printable and capable of being saved as an image file. This is so each journey can be inserted in to a presentation (in addition it would be nice if they could also download the relevant data that sits behind each view) or taken to a meeting.The tool needs to be dynamic and flexible so that it can be adapted in the future based on the latest data (therefore dates may change, along with the size of each bubble and the associated data). Therefore there is potential for the tool to be used for setting new targets for 2031. It may also be the case that we wish to show the data for a different geography other than local authority. Therefore the design needs to be able to accommodate such changes so that whatever age grouping or geography grouping is chosen in the future the tool can be adapted.Sport Wales has a Welsh Language Scheme and therefore the tool will need to be bilingual. Where possible the tool needs to be accessible to all Internet users (both disabled and non-disabled).A range of quotes should be provided to indicate what can be achieved within discrete pricing bands.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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