The environmental, social and economic benefits of sustainable travel to local highstreets and town centres: A literature and policy review
The research will explore how to use a combination of mechanisms to achieve policy objectives, including, but not restricted to: - reducing car use through e.g. restricting parking or pedestrianising local high streets; - encouraging more ‘thoughtful’ business practices, including e.g. refill services and local deliveries; and - providing local collection points and / or zero emissions last mile delivery from local hubs. The research should also consider how these interventions, in addition to encouraging people to support local businesses while they are visiting, could increase safety and accessibility of local streets and public places, increase perception of the attractiveness of the local area for shopping, leisure and other activities , reduce congestion and transport emissions etc. The research should include a focus on the inclusiveness of interventions, seeking evidence of how a ‘living locally’ agenda can be beneficial across the full range of demographics; including disabled people, those on lower incomes and those living in rural and island communities.
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